This is so damn fustrating that I have to start from a really early point the game of which I have wasted countless number of hours of progress. Just started playing bioshock and just completed the first one so i though i would download this one and play it. BioShock is a 2007 first-person shooter game developed by 2K Boston (later Irrational Games) and 2K Australia, and published by 2K. Extract BioshockPhysicsUnlocker. I've been google searching for any related events, but the only thing I found was someone just didn't have the graphical ability to handle it. You’ll have to purchase rivets elsewhere, but at least the heads you’ll need to use in a variety of sizes are included. Infinite was released worldwide for the PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360, and OS X platforms in 2013. Random crashes:-Open steam-Right click on Bioshock 2-Properties-Set Launch Options-Paste "-dx9" without the quotation marks Game wont look as fancy but hey, it works. Step 8: General > Uncheck Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game. #8. I just started playing Bioshock 2, every time i get to the part where you have to pick up the rivet gun as soon as i pick it up the game crashes, same point every time. Z. The patch from Dec 20th didn't much either, very disappointing. Platforms: PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows, macOS. Any ideas at this point would be awesome. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. There, he discovers an underwater city that's a cross between Las Vegas and Atlantis, the city of Rapture. It has similar combat that you'll be used to from Bioshock 1 and will help fulfill gaps in the Rapture mythology. #footer_privacy_policy | #footer. exe crack has no effect. 7: BioShock From its opening moments, BioShock lets you know you’re in for one memorable ride. The DLC introduces a new Big Daddy as the protagonist. Hello fellow Rapture residents. ↑ 2. 7 Related Topics BioShock First-person shooter Shooter game Gaming 7 comments Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment [deleted] • 10 yr. Se connecter Magasin Accueil Liste de découvertes Liste de souhaits Boutique des points Actualités StatistiquesHaving enemies that deal "too much damage" is just kind of a challenge accepted moment in gaming. Going to cover Plasmids in Bioshock 2 as well then finish up this series with Bioshock 2. This works very effectively for killing both of them, you can just sit back and. They are taller and slower. I'm running win7 64 bit. Use the setup tool for temporary injection. help please. Όλα τα εμπορικά σήματα είναι. ) I got past that ONCE, but it still crashed. I'm running win7 64 bit Đăng nhập Cửa hàng I just started playing Bioshock 2, every time i get to the part where you have to pick up the rivet gun as soon as i pick it up the game crashes, same point every time. Bioshock 2 went from crashing constantly/randomly to running perfect for hours. Vigors are wielded with weapons simultaneously and can be used at the same time, but deplete his Salts at every use. My game kept crashing around the same place (roughly when I picked up the rivet gun). “Never could figure out if the thing's designed to cook a turkey or a Splicer. Keep your distance. I modeled it in a way so i can show the. Sry for the bad wording, I meant that the team was different between 1 and 2. For the Multiplayer Level of Siren Alley, see Siren Alley (BioShock 2 Multiplayer). exe. Original have better graphic and no crash or game braken bugs. Well honestly, making the instant transition between Bioshock 1 and 2; it was a shock. Delete the original Bioshock 2 folder. A view over Columbia. Hi Everyone, Just something that may help with the people experiencing random crashes to desktop when using DX10 mode, basically remove this update (windows 7) and you will find the game runs fine. • 2 yr. The moment I pick up the Rivet Gun, the game just freezes up and crashes. 3. I believe doing this will allow you to play at max settings and have the direct x 10 goodness. If they are down then start turning down. Plot: In 1960, an air plane passenger named Jack survives a plane crash in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Headshots with the rivet gun take out most splicers easily. In addition to the Sky-Hook, Booker can only carry two weapons at a time, and so. After I played Bioshock 1 without any issues or crashes I installed Bioshock 2. For the Pistol in BioShock and BioShock 2 Multiplayer, see Pistol (Rapture). Designed by Gilbert Alexander, his arsenal includes deployable Mini-Turrets and a shoulder mounted RPG that shoots non-guided rockets. Here, Delta must access the district's pumping station and drain the next train stop,. Rosies use a Rivet gun that shoots regular ammo as well as proximity mines at you. 0:34 - Pistol. 1 File/folder structure within this directory reflects the path(s) listed for Windows and/or Steam game data (use Wine regedit to access Windows registry paths). 8mm 6. Uninstall, reinstall, did not work. The title says it all really. Head through the door in the back, behind the camera. Rivet Gun: A semi-automatic gun that could be considered the equivalent of the pistol from the first game, though the. BioShock 2 is a singleplayer and multiplayer first-person. 3. . After your plane crashes into icy uncharted waters, you discover a rusted bathysphere and descend into Rapture, a city hidden beneath the sea. I started playing a while back, then came back to continue my game. Step 3: Fake own death to throw Ryan and any other enemies of his trail. 20% voucher applied at checkout Save 20% with voucher. Upgrade the rivet gun first because you can actually get heavy rivets while i've never seen armor piercing rounds for the machine gun on that level making it the best gun for Big Daddies/Sisters fights. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. I know there are a lot of videos out there like this to Rick Roll you but please watch a few more seconds. Pistols have a good rate of fire, good range and accuracy, and deal a moderate amount of damage. Games with Steam Cloud support may store data in ~/. Unfortunately, it lacks the Crossbow's practicality and ease and instead becomes a novelty weapon only to be used during one-on-one combat experiences or with the help of Plasmids to immobilize foes. A Blind Rivet. Use a drill bit that is slightly smaller than the rivet’s diameter. So here is a new fix which seems to 99. Watch for a leadhead to the right as you leave the room. CheersJust started playing bioshock and just completed the first one so i though i would download this one and play it. Inner Persephone is Persephone's North Detention. The moment I pick up the Rivet Gun, the game just freezes up and crashes. Just started playing bioshock and just completed the first one so i though i would download this one and play it. Fandom Rivalry: A very noticeable one with BioShock Infinite. I'm running win7 64 bitI just started playing Bioshock 2, every time i get to the part where you have to pick up the rivet gun as soon as i pick it up the game crashes, same point every time. The moment I pick up the Rivet Gun, the game just freezes up and crashes. BioShock Remastered is a remastered release of the 2007 immersive sim BioShock. Before you finish with the sister, either by rescuing or harvesting her, set traps in the area. Apparently you can get corrupted saves and then crash constantly. To fix follow these steps: 1) Right click your volume control icon 2) Click Playback Devices 3) Click the Recording tab 4) Right click the whitespace somewhere in the scrolling area and click "Show Disabled Devices" (this part is fuzzy because I'm on a different computer now) 5) Right click the "Stereo Mixing" and click enable 6) Restart steam. its really annoying because it happens out of the blue. I'm about ready to give up, but I'd really like to continue with the Bioshock trilogy. Trap rivets stay useful all game for little sister defense, regular rivets with damage and flame rounds are really spamable,. Please note, this review by definition will contain massive spoilers for the original game and thus I strongly urge you to run away screaming right now if you haven't played Bioshock. 5. Mark Meltzer’s gun is missing from the carousel. I turned off DirectX 10, switched to 9 and added the start parameter -dx9. I started BioShock 2 today and I can´t even really get past the Rivet Gun because I crash before I can get anywhere. Alpha Series models appear in the BioShock 2 levels Fontaine Futuristics and Inner Persephone, and in Operations and The Thinker of the Minerva's Den DLC. Each gives one upgrade to a. 2 0. It is a formidable weapon, capable of delivering large Rivets with great. Save your game and exit BioShock 2. It runs perfectly before that!Currently doing my HARD run through story and every time I come across a few splicers like 3 or more the game just crashes, or if I am attempting a harvest with a little sister. ago Running the game in DirectX 9 will fix most of the crashes. 4. At least it worked for me. here is crashing randomly while i am playing too, does anyone know if the original bioshock 2 its a better option? This thread is for a separate issue on save-load. ago Running the game in. #9. Here we are, locked away from the outside world, suspended over a pit with no hope of release. For Games for Windows - LIVE on Windows 8 or later, install the latest Games for Windows - LIVE software. Indebted to the wrong people, with his life on the line, veteran of the U. 188"-0. With BioShock and BioShock 2 submerging us below water in Rapture, and BioShock Infinite taking us to the clouds, we can't help but wonder where BioShock 4 will take us next - or what an open. I vote Rivet Gun. . The current save has corrupted data, and thus the game crashes when that data is read. Fully Upgraded rivet gun is amazing. Using 1 or 2 rivets per enemy via rivet headshots is one thing, but pumping in half a dozen because you can't or won't aim for the head is another thing entirely. #8. ago Are you playing on PC? Definitely save often and maybe try turning down your settings. If you find yourself using the machine gun a lot, definitely consider reducing the recoil to avoid wasting ammo. 4. There are three possible causes. Any ideas at this point would be awesome. Step 3: Every time you let a Little Sister get the ADAM out of a dead body, save your progress on that file you made in Step 1. Many of the people who worked with Levine went on to found 2K Marin which made Bioshock 2. Which weapons did you opt to upgrade in your BS2 playthroughs? My favourite ones were the shotgun, rivet gun and machine gun (fully upgraded). . its really annoying because it happens out of the blue with no tell tale sign of it happening. It crashes EVERY time i pick it up. 2mm 4. It runs perfectly before that!It crashes EVERY time i pick it up. I installed Bioshock 2 on my pc (original DVD) and I patched it to the last version. Since then it has been running without any problems. Jack is given a wide-ranging arsenal of weapons in BioShock, from standard firearms to makeshift explosives. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. 4. It runs perfectly before that! Увійти Крамниця. The second i pick it up my game freezes and then straight away after it crashes with no messages saying why or saaying that it crashed. This update clearly messes up the way drivers interpret. super annoying and takes a lot of my motivation out of itHastily grabbing a wrench, you fended off the first attacker and slowly but surely built up an arsenal to help you take down even the most powerful of foes. = Action (Hack, Use, Pick Up, and etc. The second i pick it up my game freezes and then straight away after it crashes with no messages saying why or saaying that it crashed. 99. Please help. If you are one of the lucky people who can actually get the original port of. The Rivet Gun's "Increase Clip Size" upgrade extends the Rivet Gun's clip from 12 to 18. Currently doing my HARD run through story and every time I come across a few splicers like 3 or more the game just crashes, or if I am attempting a harvest with a little sister. exe to the game's executable folder (typically located in <path-to-game> BuildsRelease ). I am trying to play Bioshock 2 classic, but it keeps crashing when i pick up the rivet gun in the first level. First it was right after I picked it up, next after fighting the slicers, third attempt when I picked up eve bottle. 3DS FC: 2664 - 2214 - 4029 / IGN: Vernon Fairy Type Safari: Togepi - Mawile - Floette. Losing his connection to Eleanor Lamb, the Little Sister assigned to his protection, Subject Delta. I'm running win7 64 bit ログイン ストア I have sent numerous complaints about the constant crashing of BS1 and BS2. Plasmids are wielded with weapons simultaneously and can be used at the same time. “I do love Siren Alley. other way round for me, they all drop rivets but very few might give. ログイン ストア ホーム ディスカバリーキュー ウィッシュリスト ポイントショップ ニュース データ Hardy machines tonic won't make them tougher, level 3 elite bots have roughly 45% more health than the standard model. Phosphorous is definitely not as good as explosive buck in Bioshock 1 due to damage delay. Dennis Jun 27, 2018 @ 2:58pm. The structure, built upon the three heads of the Founding Fathers, is its own floating island, connected by tethers to Emporia. Jumped in Bioshock 2 right after that and last night a crash made me lose more than 30 minutes of progress. Disable the Read-Only checkbox and click OK. ini file, as suggested on an old webpage I found in internet, Bioshock 2 doesn't crash anymore on my PC (I'm running win 7 64 bit with an AMD gpu) in dx10. Select the game you want to inject into. Furthermore I changed two values in an INI file. I recently got Bioshock 2 and when I got to the part where you get your first actual gun it crashes, I've tried everything and I can not figure this out. The drill with maxed upgrades was my bread butter. In the Library section, right-click on BioShock 2 Remastered and click Properties. What baffled Roy most, he said, was the disorganization. In response, we've begun production of a newly-designed Big Daddy model, nicknamed the "Rumbler. Console commands are codes that can be used while playing a game to alter most aspects of gameplay. Try to lure him into the hall your turret is in. Open BioshockPhysicsUnlocker. Eleanor’s Progress – After ascending the stairs to Ryan’s Amusements you’ll see this diary among the candles, straight ahead. pop up, flat crashes after I click the "Play" button after the window with the key info. To your left will be a room with a Machine Gun Turret and some Grenade Launcher ammo. A normal rivet that sets the target on fire; good for. Jonathan Ferguson, a weapons expert and Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries, breaks down more of the weaponry of the first two BioShock games, including the starter and upgraded pistol, the Thompson submachine gun, and the Grenade Launcher. Yes it crashes a lot in the game menus and has random crashes as well. The game originally seemed to be set to 256mb and with the current update at 512mb. 0:00 - Opening. (Ok i. r/Bioshock. This is an excellent, simple-to-use tool. So, increase video card memory may help you solve the problem. Used for shooting heavy weight targets. Fersaile. The moment I pick up the Rivet Gun, the game just freezes up and crashes. The title says it all really. The rivet gun is great if you can get head shots. the game was running fine, until i got the rivet gun. I had some save game corruption just prior to this incident. The game is available for free to prior owners of BioShock on Steam. Alternate Ammunition Types: There aren't any for this one, it just uses fuel. For example, the lead level designer for Fort Frolic was Bioshock 2’s creative director, the same role as Levine. EDIT II: u/3nvygreen has a fix that worked!The textures seems to load faster (not so sure), but the game is still crashing after a few minutes (for this i'm sure). . Setting -dx9 didn't help but what actually solved the problem was turning off Vertical. “Dionysus Park was my home, Delta… an experiment in social unity, cut short by human folly. I've been google searching for any related events, but the only thing I found was someone just didn't have the graphical ability to handle it. The Pistol is a weapon that the player can use in BioShock and BioShock 2 Multiplayer. If you feel like saving often manually is too hard to deal with BS2 remastered's random crashes, Bioshock 2 original is most likely more stable. " He launches high explosive munitions to disperse groups of Splicers, followed by miniature automated turrets to mop. FloRaider • 6 yr. Try to lure him into the hall your turret is in. However, the game does work when he added -nosound to the launch options. You see, that Rivet Gun has had it. The Spear Gun is BioShock 2’s version of the Crossbow from the first game. The greatest Bioshock 2 video walkthrough on youtube. My solution was to uninstall internet explorer 11 (reverting back to IE8). com. In the remastered. Insert the rivet’s mandrel into the rivet gun’s nose piece. I just started playing Bioshock 2, every time i get to the part where you have to pick up the rivet gun as soon as i pick it up the game crashes, same point every time. The Rivet Gun was the first weapon I fully upgraded and I didn't regret it. In My Documents right-click on the new Bioshock 2 folder that was created and select Properties. I believe that that mod is the reason that some users might not be able to. NeoGAFs Kent Brockman. dff and shotgspa. Currently doing my HARD run through story and every time I come across a few splicers like 3 or more the game just crashes, or if I am attempting a harvest with a little sister. That's a bummer. Same, it just keeps crashing on Sirens Alley whenever I attempt to harvest Adam with lil sis. but it kept crashing at the rivet gun, this fixed the crashes so far! #9. Solid rivets consist of only shafts and heads, which are deformed using a rivet gun or hammer. I recently got Bioshock 2 and when I got to the part where you get your first actual gun it crashes, I've tried everything and I can not figure this out. e. BioShock 2. Nobody at 2K seems to care, because it has been happening for years now. To traverse the underwater city, we'll need to wield weapons a. 5. 7 Related Topics BioShock First-person shooter Shooter game Gaming 7 comments Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment [deleted] • 10 yr. 6GHz ASUS Radeon HD 4850 512MB 256-bit GDDR3 4GB Memory While I still have a good processor, a decent amount of memory, and a top of line mobo from when I built the computer (summer 2008), I realize that my Video Card is pretty dated. Especially the drill. • Run the game as Admin • Add -dx9 to the launch options on Steam. I just started playing Bioshock 2, every time i get to the part where you have to pick up the rivet gun as soon as i pick it up the game crashes, same point every time. 5, Trap Rivet x2 - only when you shoot the entire thing at them, not recommend to use them this way but it can be done. There’s no shortage of stunning sequences: that first moment you catch a glimpse of Rapture as your bathysphere descends, Sander Cohen coming down the stairs, and of course the big, chilling twist that. 161K subscribers in the Bioshock community. The combined damage of your drill and turret will level him while your bot and mini turret shoot other stuff. I'm running win7 64 bit. now it crashes after it loads my save. Follow Lauri and Peeter back tothe world of Rapture, where the BioShock series had its origin. Fujhover Jun 27, 2018 @ 2:25am. I believe that that mod is the reason that some users might not be able to retrieve the Rivet Gun or ADAM from the Big Daddies and Big Sister. Buy riveter for sale at discounted prices on Shopee Philippines! Get your money’s worth with these high-quality products and amazing discounts to go with it. This is caused not by dx10(tested it with dx9) but from my saves. Launch BioShock 2 and begin a new game. I know absolutely nobody that has any say in matters will see this, but on the off chance: Good job! You've successfully taken an already lackluster "remaster" and tanked it, with similar trends on original Bioshock Remastered. Rivet Guns. I recently got Bioshock 2 and when I got to the part where you get your first actual gun it crashes, I've tried everything and I can not figure this out. Many of the locks in BioShock can be hacked or bought out, but it is almost never required. After swimming to a lighthouse, Jack enters a bathysphere which takes him to the ocean floor. Use the 1 2 punch, it’s the best move in the game. You might try the fix listed here. The Rosie is one of the five functional types of Big Daddies in Rapture, along with the Bouncer, the Rumbler, the Alpha Series, and the Lancer. Go to folders: SteamSteamAppscommonBioShock 2 SP BuildsBinaries. I just downloaded Bioshock 2. Been a while since I played the first game but Bioshock 2 follows a very similar pattern. Turn it down to easy difficulty. It seems to always happen in a fight scene while being attacked. Aug 13 @ 9:09am Mine crashes always on the part where you get the rivet gun, never had any crashing issues on the first game. The rivet gun is easily one of the contenders for the best weapon in the game. BioShock 2 Multiplayer [| ] In the multiplayer segment of BioShock 2, the player is able to become a Rosie by picking up a Big Daddy Suit. First it was right after I picked it up, next after fighting the slicers, third attempt when I picked up eve bottle. Disable the Read-Only checkbox and click OK. I've had this issue myself, except for me it was just at any random moment, I didn't have to do anything specific to make it happen. The Pigskin, Plastered Splicer, Rosebud, and. BioShock 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Alternate Ammunition Types: There aren't any for this one, it just uses fuel. I'm running win7 64 bitThe story of BioShock 2 shares elements of the first game – it still takes place in Rapture, everything’s gone to hell – but with a different protagonist: A Big Daddy whose Little Sister named Eleanor is taken away by Sofia Lamb, in which he’s then forced to kill himself by Sofia’s request, but later revived by Eleanor. Go back to the previous room and head through the next door. For anything else you're having trouble with, refer to this page nav17 • 10 yr. I'm running win7 64 bit เข้าสู่ระบบ ร้านค้าI just started playing Bioshock 2, every time i get to the part where you have to pick up the rivet gun as soon as i pick it up the game crashes, same point every time. Mine just started doing this. 2 is mostly a refinement of the first game mechanically, and its story and world is relatively basic and couched in what was already established. I just started playing Bioshock 2, every time i get to the part where you have to pick up the rivet gun as soon as i pick it up the game crashes, same point every time. They are dangerous because of the power of their gun, so try and attack them from a distance. Basically, after the first area most splicers seem to either drop machine gun or shotgun ammo. Arionic 13 years ago #1. The weapon also dishes out some good damage, especially against stronger enemies. Save your game and exit BioShock 2. The developers’ names were removed from the named ADAM slugs in Minerva’s Den. Machine gun is a great carry as you get anti-personnel and. I would play the original Bioshock 2, since (in my experience) the remaster crashes more often and has odd frame dips, and it also doesn't have the awesome multiplayer mode. It runs perfectly before that! Zaloguj się Sklep Społeczność Wsparcie Zmień język. Several licensed songs were removed from the soundtrack. S. But I never really gave the shotgun a chance in my first playthrough. The Administration Offices. Infinite started using the checkpoint system though it. Official Gamefaqs Pokemon Club ID #00002. The game ask for too much resources at that point, and OS decides to shut it down. Move any backed-up save files back into the new Bioshock 2 folder under. I'm running win7 64 bit Увійти Крамниця Go to your save game folder, back it up, then delete all your saves except most recent. Its 10 years on from the last game, expect advancements in Big Daddy technology i can say, spoiler free (providing the person played bioshock 1) that the grenade launcer, drill and rivet gun make a comeback, and the Spear Gun (you see past use in bioshock) is used too the game was running fine, until i got the rivet gun. PromiseMeStars •. But Bioshock 2 HD crashes every 40 minutes, or even oftener than that. It crashes EVERY time i pick it up. Bioshock 2 Iced Coffee Gaming 9. The only one I play that does not crash is Infinite. Just type -dx9 in the launch options and it should be fine. CheersJust started playing bioshock and just completed the first one so i though i would download this one and play it. Weapon Upgrade Station – Head into the security wing. The first single-player DLC for Bioshock 2 debuted in 2010 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Make sure you. In two the rivet gun, when upgraded, is a workhorse. 1 Answer. Save your game and exit BioShock 2. Iniciar sessão Loja Comunidade Apoio Alterar idioma Ver. The below Xbox 360 Controls have been transcribed from the Xbox 360 Game Manual, including the command for Drill Dashing. Oct 4, 2014 @ 8:21pm. It runs perfectly before that!They are also vulnerable to bonus damage from headshots, such as the Rivet or Spear Gun, and take 50% increased damage from explosives. The game is bugged at that specific point. 7K views 2 years ago The rivet gun is easily one of the contenders for the best weapon in the game. 25I honestly have no idea what you're talking about when you sya splicers take too long to kill. After swimming to a lighthouse, Jack enters a bathysphere which takes him to the ocean floor. In two the rivet gun, when upgraded, is a workhorse. BioShock 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. It is a small turret that stands on three legs and has a spherical upper section. A vague memory of Delta being converted into an Alpha Series Big Daddy. The drill with maxed upgrades was my bread butter. The only one I play that does not crash is Infinite. Arionic 13 years ago #1. NeoGAFs Kent Brockman. I get to the point where I have to pick up a rivet gun and two seconds after I do, the game crashes with no error message or anything. ". All Discussions Screenshots Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. 6. I've been google searching for any related events, but the only thing I found was someone just didn't have the graphical ability to handle. These remasters have 4k resolution support and full gamepad support. Needless to say, that Bioshock 2 while looking slightly higher resolution has also been shipped with the same problems including game crashes. I got to the last upgrade station in Siren Alley, and I need to know which weapon I should upgrade next. ago. I've been google searching for any related events, but the only thing I found was someone just didn't have the graphical ability to handle. help please. To install, simply replace the shotgspa. For business / Cancel. I never found a fix for it, I just used. The first issue is the crashing once you get the Rivet gun. By: hexaae. Y. Delete the original Bioshock 2 folder. Oct 3, 2014 @ 6:31pm No problem! Glad to help! #10. ago. The only thing that helped me was actually restarting the game from the beginning. Yes happened to me on Bioshock 1 (while collecting pictures for a specific person) and right before i ended the level to go to the next location my game crashed and i have to start at the beginning of that level which took another hour. The rivet gun kills in 2 shots (as long as 1 is a headshot, but that's pretty easy), the shotgun is a 1 hit kill at fairly close range, the machine gun tears up normal splicers, and the spear gun kills in 1 shot after upgrades. now it crashes after it loads my save. They have six times the health of standard Leadhead. This pack includes every Big Daddy (except for Delta, Sigma, Alpha, and. Never happens when just exploring, using a machine or any non-fighting activity. You dishonor its memory with every step. In Bioshock one, yes. . Their names are not revealed in-game; instead, they are associated with the audio files used for their sound bites in the game data. Does somebody know a solution for this?One thing that makes GOG stands out from other stores is that the games they sell are DRM-free which means no Denuvo. Two locks can also be found in Columbia during Burial at Sea - Episode 2 . Advertisement Coins. Subscribe to downloadBioshock 2 Models - Big Daddies (Protectors) Decided I wanted to try to import the weapons and big daddies from Bioshock 1/2, and after an arduous 3 day period, succeeded. I recently got Bioshock 2 and when I got to the part where you get your first actual gun it crashes, I've tried everything and I can not figure this out. Rescued the Little Sister in “A Shocking Turn of Events”. Replica prop pistol was designed by LilyKill. Bioshock 2 is crashing on launch, or failing to launch. My strategy is to put a mini turret or two, a bunch of trap rivets and then spam with bees. I'm running win7 64 bitThe title says it all really. About 1/2 or 2/3 of the way through the harvest, a Brute will come crashing down the hall. To your right, through a door, is a room with a U-Invent. mightystu • 3 yr.